Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Erica Thomas

All videos I have mentioned will be listed below for your own verification of what I have said.

In the first live post, Erica said she had fifteen items, and made no mention of her daughter.The only mention is her daughter asked her why the man called her that name.

At the press conference, where Eric Sparks appeared, she said she had eleven items and no mention of her daughter. Afterwards she said, fairly verbatim (but watch it yourself) I'm not saying he said go back to your country, however, he said things along those lines. It seems as though at this point she became aware there was a video of what occurred, that included audio perhaps, so she back pedalled.

At her personal conference with her attorneys, she said she and her daughter both had under ten items and her daughter was making her very first purchase with a gift card or credit card (she did not specify). She seems to have watched the video, and is now confident she can return to her original story.

She stood without issue at all press conferences, one outdoors in the heat. She claimed that she is unable to stand for a long period of time. If standing is an issue, why would you take your daughter on her first shopping trip? Nothing about ANY of her stories is consistent. Not one detail has remained the same.

In a court of law, she would lose. Eric would win because he has told the same story over and over again in the exact order. When one tells the truth, one does not have to keep track of what one says. He even admitted to calling her a lazy bitch.

Erica Thomas needs to review the code of conduct she agreed to when elected and Eric needs to file an ethics complaint against her. You can view the document here.

Her attorney states they are working with law enforcement, however if he had in fact committed a crime (words are not a crime), he would have been arrested. She does not deserve to serve the public since she's actively seeking fame and lying, for which she has not apologized.

Here are the videos, judge for yourself.


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