Tuesday, May 21, 2019

TJ Lane

While I write crime blogs frequently, often daily and I believe in rehabilitation and redemption, I hope TJ Lane does not receive one piece of mail in prison for the rest of his life (I'm aware there are deranged women who WILL profess undying love, etc.) I for one will never publish his address due to his lack of remorse or his view on his need to be reformed.
What he did during sentencing and his subsequent escape was unforgivable. He did it all for infamy which is painfully obvious.

His original crime was a shooting at Chardon High School where he killed three students and injured three more with a .22 caliber hand gun. I'm sorry he felt that he was socially awkward or whatever his issue was, but murder is never the answer. He has zero remorse for his actions (which he has as much said) and zero compassion for the families of those he killed and injured.

I have a decade's worth of experience in writing to prisoners. There are some in prison that can not be reformed and they will tell you as much. I did it out of a desire to provide christian fellowship only (not romance or friendship without Christianity or encouragement). I had one man tell he didn't want to worship God, he wanted to be God. I therefore chose to no longer right him as that is a direct line into his way of thinking. He enjoyed killing and playing God. TJ Lane needs to rot alone in his maximum security prison where he should stay for eternity.

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