Sunday, November 3, 2019

Louise Turpin's Sister, Elizabeth Flores

I assumed that Louise Turpin was an innocent victim in the abuse and torture of her children. After seeing Evil Lives here with Louise's sister Elizabeth Flores, I no longer believe that.

Her husband, David is an over narcissist and Louise was his covert narcissist enabler.  She enjoyed every minute of what was done to those children. She may have kept the literal blood off her own hands, but she encouraged the abuse. Elizabeth shares that Louise picked California based on their homeschooling rules - no supervision, intervention or checking up on the children. Enablers enjoy sadism. They work the overt one up to a frenzy so they act out and abuse their targets.

I have zero doubts that Elizabeth got a ton of attacks online for not intervening for her nieces and nephews, but this is likely from people who have never been groomed by a narcissist. It's likely her parents were also that way and groomed her to not tell anyone anything and to keep quiet. Louise repeated the process whenever Elizabeth gave her a place to stay in college. Elizabeth was likely ONLY saved by the one thing even the most horrific abuse can not stop - hormones and a desire to have a relationship.

Elizabeth was actually very brave to come forward and I personally applaud her for doing so. I believe the intent of her message was to let others know that Louise Turpin is no victim in this situation. They met at an early age and would not be kept apart. She mistreated her children openly in front of her sister, who she no doubt believed she could control.

If you haven't grown up being groomed to accept bad behavior, you will not understand. Your criticism is unfounded, because it comes from a place of ignorance.

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