Friday, February 14, 2020

Ethan Hauschaultz

 According to Ethan Hauschaultz was beaten by his parents and subsequently buried in the snow. More specifically, Sheriff's investigators say over the course of an hour or an hour-and-a-half, young Ethan Hauschaultz was hit, kicked, poked, repeatedly shoved to the ground, and a heavy log was rolled across his chest by a 14-year-old boy. The older boy "stood on (Ethan's) body and head while Ethan was face-down in a puddle. He ultimately buried Ethan completely in snow."

Formal charges were filed Friday against Timothy Hauschultz and Tina McKeever-Hauschultz, who are Ethan's relatives and were his court-appointed guardians. The teenager, who has since turned 15, was placed in the Sheboygan County juvenile detention center.

Deputies say the 15-year-old is being charged with first-degree reckless homicide, physical abuse of a child intentionally causing bodily harm, and substantial battery.

Timothy Hauschultz is charged with party to the crimes of felony murder, intent to contribute to the delinquency of a child resulting in death, physical abuse of a child intentionally causing bodily harm, and misdemeanor battery.

McKeever-Hauschultz was charged with being party to the crimes of contributing to the delinquency of a child resulting in death and failing to act to prevent bodily harm to a child.

 This crime happened in the state of Wisconsin.

 Timothy and Tina Hauschaultz have yet to be convicted or plea to a crime. We'll be checking back from time to time to supply their addresses although why anyone would want to write them is beyond me.


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