Friday, February 14, 2020

Linda Garcia and Jose Carlos Cruz

Linda Garcia 210304
Linda Garcia and Jose Carlos Cruz are the epitome of star crossed teen lovers on steroids. Sadly, this scenario is playing out, to a lesser degree of course, across the world. When very young adults fall in love, nothing can separate them, and to try is to invite nothing good into your life.

(As a parent of five grown children, in my experience the best way to deal with this is to say nothing bad. Keep the communication open and when they experience negativity in their relationship, smile and nod - say things like I'm sorry to hear that, etc. When they fail to get your attention with their choice of partner who treats them badly, they will move on quickly.)

In this instance, Linda's father kicked her Jose out of the house twice. Her response was to beat him repeatedly with a baseball bat. When he failed to die quickly enough, Jose went on to stab him seventeen times.

Linda was was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years. Further she was also sentenced to an additional  fourteen years for theft. Jose was found guilty of the same charges and given the same sentence. Linda has had 28 infractions since being incarcerated.

You can not write to Linda as she is currently in custody out of state. Jose's location is also currently unknown.

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