Monday, April 29, 2019

Tiffany Moss

As I write this, the jury is out, well back in fifteen minutes, but still deliberating.

At first I thought she wanted to receive the death penalty period. Then it was get the death penalty to avoid being put in general population. Unlike male inmates who kill people who hurt children, women torture them psychologically etc. She would be terrorized daily. A lot of women lately have had their death sentences commuted to life. Too bad for her she didn't look into Frances Newton. She killed her children and was executed by the state of Texas....

Then I saw her family (mother and sister) testify and I realized the one thing they are all about is themselves and their own blood relatives. They both clearly lied for her and the fact that her sister helped her without regard to her own welfare (being charged with accessory or abetting). That's why she was so horrified at the thought that her children would go into foster care. In her mind, she would and could hurt a child that was not her own blood. She thinks foster parents also think that way, which clearly they do not.

Then I thought she would pull some Perry Mason moment during closing to cast guilty on Eman and think she would get off of the charges. She declined to make a closing argument.

I was puzzled.

I had seen articles where she said she was placing her fate in God's hands, and I suppose that's exactly what she was doing, period, end of discussion.

She competed with a child for the love of a man and won. Poor Emani is dead, and now her own children are in essence orphans. Besides the obvious depravity of killing a child, I can't help but wonder how and why she saw this as a victory. The dumbest adult in the world can still run circles around children. They simply do not have the ability to be malicious in the way an adult can.

No victory here. Nothing about this makes her special or important. Especially when you consider that Emani was to her father nothing more then a possession, not a person. He kept her from her birth mother, who clearly was not a saint, but because it was a power move and when his mother offered to keep her as well, he declined. Emani was HIS and he would do what he pleases with her.

So very many people failed this poor girl. Time will tell what she receives, though there is very little speculation about the verdict. She offered no proof, asked no questions and made neither an opening or closing statement. She is almost assuredly going to be found guilty, the only question is whether or not she receives the death penalty. I am against the death penalty but every now and again a case occurs were it seems reasonable. The last case I felt this way about was Jesse Dotson. This is also how I feel about this case, cruel beyond words.


Tiffany was found guilty. The trial moved to sentencing immediately following, because she had no attorney to object and prepare. No victim impact statements were made. The jury deliberated and came back unanimously with death. The state has set an execution date between June 7 and 14, 2019.

In retrospect, Tiffany was very proud of what she had done. She smirked and fought back a smile throughout the entire trial. She looked shocked and on the verge of tears when the death penalty was read. I realized then that she had, to the best of her ability, to play helpless (and defensless) female. Eman had bought into her act, why shouldn't they? She was clearly unaware that it was a transparent act.

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