Friday, May 3, 2019

Beatrice Camper

The story of Beatrice, and Terry Lee Camper and John Murray is a truly twisted story.

Beatrice met John Murry in New York City, and the two fell in love. He was in essence a thug who went to prison
Terry Lee Camper
for murder. Terry met Beatrice when she had children. He took good care of her children and worked hard to provide for a family he didn't create. Unbeknownst to Terry, Beatrice was carrying on a passionate affair with John Murray via letters and phone calls from state prison. Terry wasn't exciting enough for her. The two conspired to kill him for his life insurance and then go on to produce pornography.

The truth is Beatrice had a good man in Terry. He was a hard worker and a good provider and father. He lacked the danger that John offered her and it cost him his life. Her crime story was featured on snapped and fatal attraction.

Gentlemen, especially good men need to pay attention to who they date and fall in love with.  If a woman has a history of dating thugs and having children with them, they will always prefer a bad man over a good one. The chances of being used for money is very great. Bad boys might be fun, but they are typically not good providers due to their criminal records. They also spend a good deal of time behind bars.

Beatrice, who believes in self preservation ultimately plead guilty and testified against John Murray. For her role in the murder, she was sentenced to fifteen years to life. You can view Terry's memorial here.

You can write to her at:

Beatrice Camper, 14G0569 
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
247 Harris Rd
Bedford Hills, NY 10507

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