Thursday, May 16, 2019

Sanity and Civility?

This is not my only blog. I blog about crime - those featured on crime shows like For My Man and Snapped, as well as crimes that are not national news stories. There is no shortage of things to write about. Every day at least three or four stories come to light that I take note of to write about as time allows. There are so many stories out there, my blogs (multiples) are barely a drop in the bucket.

Today I heard about Cadesha Michelle Bishop, a twenty five year old Las Vegas woman. She was on public transportation bus with a seventy four year old man with the last name of Fournier. She had been cursing out other passengers and he told her to be nice to the other passengers. That's ALL he said. He used no racial slurs nor curse words. When the bus stopped and Fournier moved to exit the bus, Bishop got behind him and pushed him so hard he never touched the steps of the bus and struck his head on the sidewalk. He initially refused medical help but later went to the hospital. He died a month later of his injuries. Bishop's life is essentaially over as Nevada has stiff penalties for murder. She was clearly visible in the video of the event.

All over someone telling her to be nice!

Young people have zero respect for anyone - elders, authority etc. Everyone is fair game for their rage. I would still definitely do something if I saw someone being assaulted (I am not strong enough to intervene and I don't know how to fight) but I would call 911 and take photos of the suspect. I would do something. However, correcting someone for bad behavior in public I will not do for the simple fact that you do not know what others are capable of anymore. You can not trust even in front of witnesses, that you will not be assaulted. The odds are you will.

Think carefully before you speak, it could just get you killed in this crazy world we live in.

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