Thursday, May 16, 2019

Young Ladies?

I'm sorry, but I simply don't believe that parents and society are teaching girls what they need to know about dating, relationships, sex and more. Watch one season of paternity court (excluding the older ladies behaving badly), divorce court, or Maury. While these would be extreme cases no doubt or they wouldn't make the cut, they are a canary in the coal mine to a point.

Yes, young ladies can sleep with whomever they like. That's a given, however, that doesn't make it a good idea. It's an even worse idea when you are doing it without being on birth control and using condomns. If you are not careful, you could end up with a baby and not knowing which encounter resulted in parenthood. I've seen as many as sixteen men tested for one baby. YES sometimes the father's are just paranoid or attempting to shirk responsibility, but those cases are the exception rather then the rule. I watched one delusional young lady "reject" the DNA results as a deceased man WAS in fact the father, even though science proved otherwise.

Every young girl needs to know that a baby will not "keep" a man, especially if he has other children he does not support or parent. No, yours will not be the "one", nor will he settle down because you are special. Watch one season of Fatal Attraction and you will quickly learn many women are in fact killed because they are pregnant with a child the father doesn't want and she refuses to abort. According to the World Health Organization, "Evidence from the USA suggests that intimate partner violence during pregnancy is a risk factor for women’s increased risk of being killed by an intimate partner. For example, an examination of police and medical examiner records in 11 US cities showed that pregnancy significantly increased women’s risk of becoming a victim of intimate partner homicide and that men who abuse their partners during pregnancy seem to be particularly dangerous and more likely to commit homicide". Encourage young women to use birth control regularly and protection.

It is "unfair" that women with many sexual partners are judged, while men appear not to be (though they are judged for mistreating women). The truth is a man is less likely to consider you the "one" if he knows you have been very promiscuous. Women are rarely lacking for male companionship. Sex is easy to come by, no pun intended, but if you are looking to settle down, marry and have children, consider your goals when deciding whether or not you should hook up or have anonymous sex. It does actually matter. You are certainly free to celebrate your liberation, but don't be surprised if it affects your ability to meet specific goals.

You body is yours and it is in fact special. It's not something you want to share with just anyone. Not everyone is worthy of your time and efforts. Get to know yourself and your worth before seeking out a romantic partner. If you can't and don't appreciate yours strengths and character, why would anyone else? To be more precise, why would you attract someone who would? You attract what you ARE, not who you want. No matter who together you seem on the outside, all your inner demons will attract someone in the same position. That's simply how it works.

As women, we need to worry less about our sexual freedoms and do better.

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