Monday, October 28, 2019

Jennifer Reali

While some would argue the point that Jennifer Reali's death
from cancer is unfortunate, I believe it is. She was very candid in her self exploration about what lead her to commit murder. She was brutally honest about what she lacked in herself that led her to believe her lover when he said killing his wife would be merciful. I think much can be learned from her interviews and confessions to help young women avoid the same fate. She spent thirty years in prison before being granted parole.

I can not find a source, but allegedly she had said it seemed to be poetic justice that she had cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a terrible way to die. I've seen it happened.  She is a completely different person then she was when she committed that murder. You can watch the last interview with her before her death.

Not all killers are rehabilitated, but when they are - they have much to offer the world. Everyone wants to know why people kill, but aren't willing to take the time to ask someone who has or give them the opportunity to prove they are safe to live in society.

Brian Hood was granted parole in 2019, so he must have finally taken responsibility for his actions instead of blaming Jennifer for acting alone. Jennifer also helped with the conviction against him.

While some are likely happy she's gone, I think the world is a bit worse off for her being gone. She could have come up with some sort of presentation for young girls about how to avoid being manipulated. If that were not a pressing issue, there would be no "For My Man" television show that is wildly popular.

Rest in Peace Jennifer. Rest in Peace.

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