Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Joe & Evangeline Combs, Virginia

Joe and Evangeline Combs
Joe and Esther Combs was taken from an Indiana Children's Home, but never officially adopted her. He, a baptist preacher and she, the epitome of a pastors wife. The child they took was Elsa Garcia, though she is called (and calls herself) Esther.

She was beaten, tortured, and raped. Her parents were convicted when family photographs turned up in the trash can with her as a child with injuries (black eyes, cuts, bandaged hands). Once this happened, many people who had previously been afraid to speak up, testified.She has 110 scars on her body from their abuse.

There is a special place in hell for this couple - who doesn't know what God says about hurting children? Joe Combs was arrogant enough to take the stand to defend himself. Evangeline Combs did not testify on her own behalf.

Joe was sentenced to 106 years and Evangeline was sentenced to 65 years. The one thing they hadn't counted on was Esther's will to not be broken. She is the definition of a survivor.

If you would be tempted to write to this couple, you can do so as follows:

Evangeline Combs, #00317555
​West Tennessee State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 1150
Henning, Tennessee 38041-1150

It does appear as though Joseph has died in Custody, though if you could mail letters to hell, I'm sure he would receive them.

You can read the whole story at
Preacher Combs and wife get 179 years in prison

Esther looks AMAZING! You can see her Facebook here!

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