Monday, October 14, 2019

Marissa Wright, Arkansas

Marissa Wright
Marissa Wright is serving life without parole in the state of Arkansas, for killing two men with whom she had been romantically involved. (Like there's not a shortage of single decent men, and she kills not one, but two. Go figure!).

The first victim, Randall Anderson she was "interrogating" for stealing her mother's jewelry and in her police interview she said if he had told her where it was she would have let him go. Who would steal from someone like that? Regardless, she put a plastic bag over his head and then wrapped him like a mummy and buried him under her Koi Pond. He was never reported missing by his family.

The second victim,

Joe Lee Richards Jr.was angry with her meth dealer and she shot him when he attempted to interfere
with her purchase and then declined to get him medical attention. She buried him just outside of her back door steps. Actually, he was not buried. He was slightly buried and covered with plywood and concrete blocks.

Her story was featured on American Monster (very fitting!). Her punishment seems just. No more men for you Ms. Wright! Welcome to gay for the stay. As you can tell, prison has not been especially kind to her.

You can write to her at:

Marissa Wright,  711742
McPherson Unit
302 Corrections Drive
Newport, Arkansas 72112

Joe Lee Richards Jr.

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